import { FormLabel } from '@dnb/eufemia'
The FormLabel component represents a caption for all sorts of HTML elements in a user interface.
Colon character
DNB UX has chosen to not use colon on the end of form element labels. For consistency throughout our websites, please avoid using them.
Default form-label
Code Editor
<FormLabel for_id="alone-1">Default horizontal FormLabel</FormLabel> <Checkbox id="alone-1" label="Checkbox" />
Vertical form-label
Code Editor
<FormLabel for_id="alone-2" vertical> Vertical FormLabel </FormLabel> <Checkbox id="alone-2" label="Checkbox" />
Vertical form-label without a Code Editor
<FormLabel vertical={true}>Without for_id (select me)</FormLabel> <Checkbox label="Checkbox" />
Linked label (pattern)
Code Editor
<form> <div> <div> <FormLabel for_id="switch-1" text="Form Label (click me):" /> </div> <div> <Switch id="switch-1" value="Value of switch" /> </div> </div> </form>